When it came to our wedding vows, I did the whole "love and honor" bit (although admittedly refusing the "obey" option).
But nowhere...and I checked...nowhere did it say that I had to be able to make edible rice.
The process just eludes me. I even ended up with crunchy rice using an electric rice cooker, so I finally gave that sucker away. I get the correct texture once a decade and then fail on the very next attempt. This is why I don't get excited over rice recipes and why I only make homemade fried rice when there is leftover rice from Chinese take-out.
So WHY I ever spent $8 on a bag of organic "sweet rice" from the Thai grocery is beyond me. Actually, I do know. I had finally tasted mangos and sweet rice with coconut cream when we were in Portland and I loved it. Loved it!
Ergo, I now have a bag of sweet rice, also known as "glutinous rice".
This secondary term accurately and pitifully describes what I ended up with when I tried to prepare the sweet rice. Since the package was written in an Oriental alphabet, I had to google directions. Since 95% of the online recipes said to use a rice cooker, I had to narrow the field until I found one that used a microwave.
Big mistake. Not only did it run all over the microwave, the texture was...was...well, it was glutinous.
And not in a good way.
Suffice it to say that the only thing I wanted to do with this pot of translucent, slimy mess was reglue loose wallpaper in my kitchen.
That said, I STILL have a full bag of this stuff and would like to know a fool-proof (idiot-proof? Marilyn-proof?) way to prepare it on an electric stovetop.
Thank you.
But nowhere...and I checked...nowhere did it say that I had to be able to make edible rice.
The process just eludes me. I even ended up with crunchy rice using an electric rice cooker, so I finally gave that sucker away. I get the correct texture once a decade and then fail on the very next attempt. This is why I don't get excited over rice recipes and why I only make homemade fried rice when there is leftover rice from Chinese take-out.
So WHY I ever spent $8 on a bag of organic "sweet rice" from the Thai grocery is beyond me. Actually, I do know. I had finally tasted mangos and sweet rice with coconut cream when we were in Portland and I loved it. Loved it!
Ergo, I now have a bag of sweet rice, also known as "glutinous rice".
This secondary term accurately and pitifully describes what I ended up with when I tried to prepare the sweet rice. Since the package was written in an Oriental alphabet, I had to google directions. Since 95% of the online recipes said to use a rice cooker, I had to narrow the field until I found one that used a microwave.
Big mistake. Not only did it run all over the microwave, the texture was...was...well, it was glutinous.
And not in a good way.
Suffice it to say that the only thing I wanted to do with this pot of translucent, slimy mess was reglue loose wallpaper in my kitchen.
That said, I STILL have a full bag of this stuff and would like to know a fool-proof (idiot-proof? Marilyn-proof?) way to prepare it on an electric stovetop.
Thank you.