"Hanging her head in shame, Colette finally admitted to her lover: 'I cannot make rice. Leave me.'"


When it came to our wedding vows, I did the whole "love and honor" bit (although admittedly refusing the "obey" option).

But nowhere...and I checked...nowhere did it say that I had to be able to make edible rice.

The process just eludes me. I even ended up with crunchy rice using an electric rice cooker, so I finally gave that sucker away. I get the correct texture once a decade and then fail on the very next attempt. This is why I don't get excited over rice recipes and why I only make homemade fried rice when there is leftover rice from Chinese take-out.

So WHY I ever spent $8 on a bag of organic "sweet rice" from the Thai grocery is beyond me. Actually, I do know. I had finally tasted mangos and sweet rice with coconut cream when we were in Portland and I loved it. Loved it!

Ergo, I now have a bag of sweet rice, also known as "glutinous rice".

This secondary term accurately and pitifully describes what I ended up with when I tried to prepare the sweet rice. Since the package was written in an Oriental alphabet, I had to google directions. Since 95% of the online recipes said to use a rice cooker, I had to narrow the field until I found one that used a microwave.

Big mistake. Not only did it run all over the microwave, the texture was...was...well, it was glutinous.

And not in a good way.

Suffice it to say that the only thing I wanted to do with this pot of translucent, slimy mess was reglue loose wallpaper in my kitchen.

That said, I STILL have a full bag of this stuff and would like to know a fool-proof (idiot-proof? Marilyn-proof?) way to prepare it on an electric stovetop.

Thank you.

REC: Foolproof Oven Baked Rice (yes, I too, could never make rice, til now

Foolproof Oven-Baked Brown Rice
Serves 4 to 6. (I've used this for white also)
To minimize any loss of water through evaporation, cover the saucepan and use the water as soon as it reaches a boil. An 8-inch ceramic baking dish with a lid may be used instead of the baking dish and foil. To double the recipe, use a 13 by 9-inch baking dish; the baking time need not be increased.

1 1/2 cups long-grain brown rice , medium-grain brown rice, or short-grain brown rice
2 1/3 cups water (I use chicken broth)
2 teaspoons unsalted butter or vegetable oil
1/2 teaspoon table salt
1. Adjust oven rack to middle position; heat oven to 375 degrees. Spread rice in 8-inch-square glass baking dish.
2. Bring water and butter or oil to boil, covered, in medium saucepan over high heat; once boiling, immediately stir in salt and pour water over rice. Cover baking dish tightly with doubled layer of foil. Bake rice 1 hour, until tender.
3. Remove baking dish from oven and uncover. Fluff rice with dinner fork, then cover dish with clean kitchen towel; let rice stand 5 minutes. Uncover and let rice stand 5 minutes longer; serve immediately.

C I Published May 1, 2004.

though I think another montage, a la your garlic pea soup would be pretty cool smileys/wink.gif

Different kinds of rice require different kinds of cooking and cook-times. I understand the issue >

because, while I can make Tart Tatine and Beef Wellington, I have only a so-so success rate for hard-boiled eggs.

Begin using common, long-grain rice and measure CAREFULLY.

The rule of thumb for this particular kind of rice is one part rice to two parts water... bring water to a boil, add rice, return to a boil, cover, reduce heat to low and cook 20 minutes. (Do NOT remove lid, no matter HOW curious you are.) Turn off heat, allow to sit 10 minutes then, fluff with a fork, wait another 10 minutes. Eat. (Repeat as necessary)

Keep in mind, this process works best with this type of rice! For example if your use Basmati or Jasmine, the ratios of rice to water change as they do again with Arborio (short grain) or Wild Rice.

Once you get it, you'll always have it so, don't despair. Good luck!

Start with the long-grain, move on from there.

Yes, I had to soak it first for an hour, then bake in microwave. And bake. And bake.

Proportions seemed all wrong for the batch I made, but eventually all of the moisture was absorbed into the rice. It was just so nasty and gluey by then that I'm sure I screwed up somewhere.


How about making a smallish pillowcase,

filling it with the rice, sewing it shut, stick it in the microwave or freezer depending on whether you want heat or cold. It makes a great heating pad or ice pack. I made a big one for Bub (he has two frozen shoulders right now)and he loves it. It has been named Stinky by all the rest of us.


Foolproof Sticky Rice
Serves 4 to 6

4 cups Thai glutinous rice

Put rice in a large bowl and cover with 3 inches of cold water. Let soak for at least 3 hours.

Line a steamer basket (or pasta insert or colander with feet) with cheesecloth. Drain the rice and put it in the steamer basket. Cover with a lid and steam rice over boiling water until shiny and tender, about 20 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand, covered, 5 minutes.

Serve hot, warm, or at room temperature.

FOOLPROOF Long-Grain Rice

Foolproof Long-Grain Rice
Makes about 2-1/4 cups

1-1/2 cups water
3/4 cup long-grain rice
1/2 tsp salt

In a large nonstick saucepan combine all ingredients. Boil, uncovered, until steam holes appear in rice and grains on surface look dry, about 8 minutes. Cover pan and cook over very low heat for 15 minutes. Remove pan from heat, uncover, and let stand 5 minutes. Fluff with a fork before serving.

FOOLPROOF Jasmine or Basmati Rice

Foolproof Jasmine or Basmati Rice
Makes 3 cups

1 cup jasmine or basmati rice
1-1/2 cups water

Combine rice and water in a nonstick saucepan. Bring to a boil, cover, reduce heat to very low and cook for 20 minutes. Remove from heat and let stand, covered, 15 minutes. Turn rice gently to fluff.

FOOLPROOF Baked Basmati Rice

Foolproof Baked Basmati Rice
Serves 4

1 cup basmati rice
1-1/2 cups water
2 Tbsp butter

Preheat oven to 400F. In a saucepan, bring rice, water and butter to a boil. Cover and bake for 12 minutes.

Oh...Bub, I know your pain.

I have one of those door-jam pull up bars and just lift my arms and press against it. Only this month have I been able to hang from it.

Good luck...keep moving it, no matter what it feels like.

Dawn, I have 4 "pinto bean bags" that I kept in the freezer, 6 gel packs and this heavy black vinyl gel pack from PT. They were saving grace for those nights when I couldn't sleep from the pain.


Is that what you had Mar?

I remember when you were having some pain/shoulder issues back awhile. I didn't realize that it was the same thing. Did heat or ice help you more. We have just been doing the heat treatment. He has an appointment on Wednesday to at least get it diagnosed. His sleepless nights are mine too, so I begged him to go in and least get something for the pain or to help him sleep. If you wouldn't mind, could you pm me with some exercises and anything else that helped. I will pass on the gym on a door to Bub. Thanks!
