Happy Halloween! What's Halloweenie happening in your neck of the woods?


I broke down and got candy when I told myself I wouldn't (and I found Smarties and candy corn for me!). Somehow our neighborhood is now on some list of places that gives out the good candy, so they bus kids in...a few yrs ago we hardly got any kids, now we get tons!

Given I'm still hobbling around I haven't gone full out on decor, but trying to get some things pulled together and candles in place now for some additional spookiness later on.

After a bit of a hunt I found my favorite candy, Smarties, at Walmart and as a bonus found the good eggnog there today too - I'll be sipping some of that tonight and hopefully (if the cable outage comes back on) will be watching Michael Myers in Halloween.

What's on your agenda today/tonight?

Getting ready for a party...

.... I go as Star Trek officer (Next Generation, BTW) and Phil as my favorite alien, found in one of my intergalactic trips...

Love, love, love Halloween! We've done so many outfits together, this year we did not have that much time to plan, but I think it will be ok

Oh how fun! P.S... Your kitchen looks beautiful! I recall you mentioning the renovation

It looks great!

Bought 4 bags of fn-size candy bars, have 2 1/2 left. Warm, but rainy

so I sat out on the porch in a lawn chair and a bottle of Angry Orchards hard cider. Ten kids, the no one came, so I went in to do a load of laundry and 7 kids showed up. By the time I got back upstairs the bowl was half empty and the kids were walking away.

I'm guessing we had about 25 kids total based on number of candy bars in each bag... low number because of the rain. And they were all teenagers this year!

I tried to put it in the body of the message but couldn't.

Seems like I've done that with other pics but for some reason couldn't figure it out this time. I'll send it to your email address. I harvested epazoate seeds yesterday and will probably get them in the mail on Wednesday.

Agree! You would need to tie a pillow to your stomach underneath the shirt next time.... (more)

other than that, the orange clogs did a great job and the outfit is exactly "Mario"

what a cool costume!

Thanks for sending it to me and I agree with Steve...to thin but

such a cute idea. I can't figure out why I seem to be the only one who can't see it. I'm so excited about the seeds and especially after seeing Michael's post about adding it to beans! I'm so excited to try out a new herb that I know nothing about!
