Harold McGee (The Courious Cook) N.Y. Times Article + Recipes - "Better Bread With Less Kneading"

Is whole wheat flour really that much heavier that

white bread flour? I guess I will measure first and then weigh because I would like to try this one.

He is confirming what I've been experimenting with myself.

I've been using a wet basic dough since Judy told it was better many epi moons ago after she took a class with Betsy Oppenneer. In the last few months, tho, I have almost doubled the water content. My basic recipe used to be 3 1/2 cups flour, 1 heaping tsp yeast, 1 tbsp kosher salt and 1 cup water with 2 tbsp oil. Now, however, it's just shy of 2 cups of water. I literally scoop the dough into a large ziploc that has been oiled and let it rise twice. When I bring it out for the shaping it is no longer as sticky and shapes just fine.

I bake at 450 for 20 minutes.

I use this recipe for just about everything with slight modifications.

Same here. First time (years ago now) I made King Arthur's version of french bread

went against everything I'd always believed. It was a very slack wet dough and the French flour was low gluten/protein instead of hard bread flour.

He nailed it. My experience with "Healthy Bread in 5 Minutes" resulted in a bread exactly

like Harold described "with a thin crust and a coarse interior that seemed more gummy than bready."

As Harold notes, there's also a ton of yeast in their recipes.

After hearing the rave reviews from their first book, I was anxious to try their bread. My first batch of dough was lack luster (I ended up adding more salt for the blandness and toasting it to eliminate the "guminess".) I gave it another whirl in case my first batch was a fluke. No, it was more of the same.

Definitely looking into the books Harold mentions in this article.
