they have a French Risotto rice and an Italian aged Risotto and they both sound interesting.
Organic Italian semolina flour and Italian Chestnut Flour which would be perfect for me with my wheat problem right now.
I've always wanted to try Mostarda de Frutta before attempting to make some. evidently, it's high in sugar so I may have to set it aside for a bit. then there's some French Wild Cranberries that sound along with oils and vinegars, etc.
they have free shipping in Dec, which is always a good time to try stuff smileys/smile.gif
Organic Italian semolina flour and Italian Chestnut Flour which would be perfect for me with my wheat problem right now.
I've always wanted to try Mostarda de Frutta before attempting to make some. evidently, it's high in sugar so I may have to set it aside for a bit. then there's some French Wild Cranberries that sound along with oils and vinegars, etc.
they have free shipping in Dec, which is always a good time to try stuff smileys/smile.gif