Has anyone ever deep-fried on top of a BBQ grill?

Yeah, I know, but what about a really deep pot, like a stock pot

with a few inches of oil, sitting on the grill. I don't need a lot of frying power, just a garnish type of thing. Put a large pot with an inch of oil in it, and fry some shredded veggies in it? Would that work?

Yes, I've done it a number of times, Dawn. Just make sure you regulate the heat and it will be fine.

Cathy, I wanted to tell you that I bought the canning book that you

recommended, on Ebay, what a delight! I think I almost have hub ready to make a homemade juice press. There are so many ideas in it. Thanks for the recommandation! It is selling for $30+ on Amazon, but I bought it for $6.25 on Ebay, which included shipping. Thanks again!

It is called "12 Months Harvest" by Ortho Books.

I found it on ebay and bought it there. It's really an interesting book in that it covers a lot of areas of preserving; fruit presses, decorative drying, fruit leathers, grinding grains, making a smoker out of an old refrigerator, etc. I haven't really had time to look at it thoroughly, but it is really different than any of the typical canning books.

Good for you, Dawn- I learned so much from that book. Tried almost everything in it.

Thanks for letting me know. Wow- $30! Glad you found it at a better price. I would not give up my copy of that book for anything.
