Has anyone heard of drum dried blueberries? Christina Tosi (Milk Bar) mentions it


during a taste testing with her pastry crew and everyone agreed they were better tasting than freeze-dried blueberries.

This was in the Great Chefs (Pastry) episode 1 on Netflix.

I can't even find a source for them to test it out for myself.

Marilyn, Going to post link for website next.....here is what they are....

Drum dried blueberries are tumbled in a drum with hot air to produce a powder form of blueberries.

Outstanding sleuthing Gay! Thank-you!

Looking forward to mid-June trip out to western Michigan for our annual blueberry gorge smileys/wink.gif Should have room in new house fridge for frozen '18 stash. Colleen

Not familiar with term but thought Trader Joe's

It seems that they have a wide variety of freeze dried fruits - maybe blueberries, too. Colleen
