Has anyone heard that roasting nuts above 250

Oli, I think what I am saying--and maybe others--the risk is SO miniscule that it

isn't worth being worried about it. The doses that cause cancer are HUGE--and in mice--who are small. So consider what dose might be from roasted nuts.
There are many things that "can" be carcinogenic in the lab but are not practical for every day living. It isn't that we shouldn't be aware.

More common substances like refined sugar, salt and refined and denatured grains (white flour)...

...pose a much more potent health risk than what you mention.

Scare tactics are used to get us all worked up over nothing, while big agri-business does more to create big-pharma customers than anything else.

My two cents.


Eating close to the source and close to the natural state of foods would go a long way...

...toward lessening cancer, heart disease, diabetes, kidney disease, stroke, etc., etc. than any drug treatment would.

(Says the guy who still wants to bake House Bread at least once a week!)


Aren't Pommes Frites one of the major food groups?

along with ice cream, chocolate, etc.

I require them to be hot and crispy. I tell the server, please cook them extra longer so they are nicely browned, crisp, and served hot or I will send them back. (I don't really send them back, that is gross, I expect a new order. although I did have a waitress reach across my plate and use her hand to rake the fries off my plate onto her tray. After our stunned silence, we got up and walked out the door and did not touch the food that she had just set down on the table.)

Tim then says: "He will; he's not kidding"

And I usually end up refusing about half : cold, limp, greasy. Sad! How hard is it to immediately send a plate of food out when it is put up on the line to serve. (I was a waiter, I know). Yes, sometimes the waiter is busy, but I've watched 10 people standing around watching a plate of food get cold rather than help out and take it to the customer while it is hot.

I never have this problem in Europe!
