Has anyone in Los Angeles ever eaten the cookies at Milk?

Will have to keep this place in mind...,.

Just arrived in LA one week ago, still trying to find our way around...

cookies could make the search a lot more pleasant!

They seem decadent.... I wonder if I should try to bake a batch as a gift for the folks in our new lab

Been there, done that. CB and I bought a sampling. While their baked goods were good, they weren't

anything I'd kill for. Their custom drumsticks and ice cream sandwiches on the other hand. . . . yowza!

Thanks so much, Pat!

You know, both me and my hubby love California - we've never lived in LA, and never lived here together - I was married to my first husband in 1986 when I first lived in the Bay Area, and he was married to his first wife even earlier than that

so it's nice to come back to the place we love so much, this time the two of us, with our aging dogs still a bit puzzled by the move, but happy

If I try this cookie recipe, I'll post the review... and ~thanks~ for the heads-up on the goodies...

my thighs, on the other hand, don't thank you smileys/smile.gif
