Has anyone made these? Yukon Gold Cinnamon Rolls


At first I was stymied...thinking it would be like perogies...because I'm Ukrainian, Serbian, Polish and German and perogies come to mind when flour and potatoes are used in the same sentence.

But then I thought about potato rolls and realized THAT'S where this must come from. However, I'm in a "no longer baking because my pantry became infested with weevils" mode now.

(Just seeing the word "infested" nauseates me.)

I now have an empty pantry except for vinegar/oil and sugar. Apparently, the little buggers (ha!) are too smart to eat white sugar. I'm on a vigilant look-out for any strays and won't be bringing flour into the kitchen until a few months have passed weevil-free.

Howevefr, I'd still like to know if this recipe is a good one.


I've not made that recipe...

but any rolls I have made that had potato in the dough were very good.

As for that recipe, how could it not be good with all that butter?

Do you put those products that the little devils go to in an air tight

container? I learned to do that when I first moved to Fl. If I ever find them in something, and that's rare, I know they came home from the store in it.

I use screw-top canisters and jars for flours. Found weevils in loose Chinese noodles and tossed

EVERYTHING because it was all the same cupboard. Probably (almost definitely) overkill but I was so creeped out I had to clean out that cupboard.

Last time the little devils got in, after the waiting period

I put bay leaves in all of the new bags - double bagged - and throughout the cupboards like my mom always did. Haven't had a problem since. Colleen

I store all of my whole grain flours and large bags of rice

in the freezer.

Items in my cabinets are in air-tight canisters so if they are infested, that is where the little buggers are captive.

No problems since I started doing all of the above.

I have heard that bay leaves keep them away, but I prefer to kill them outright, which I understand a 0° freezer will do.

I second the bay leaves scattered around the cupboards but even better are the

sticky cards my exterminator hung in the infected cupboard. The are called Xlure-R.T.U. Pheromone Monitoring System. The males are attracted to them and get stuck so voila! The females have no one to breed with. I don't know if they are available in stores or not.

I am having a devil of a time with flour beetles, still!

they've even gotten into my metal canisters, but I guess since they were not screw or clamp on lids it wasn't enough of a deterrent. I've basically tossed everything made of grain except hard pastas, and have a few flour items in clamp style cannisters and in double ziplock bags. I will try bay leaves too. Other than vacuuming what kind of pesticide is safe around food? These are the little tiny black bugs. shudder.....
