Has anyone returned an Analon product for warranty replacement? I have a 13" griddle,

Marg CDN

Well-known member
originally nonstick, that I dearly love. It sticks now and the nonstick surface is patchy, still there but not looking so good.

I can't find this still in production, by anyone. It has a solid metal (loop) handle on either side rather than just one and seems to be larger than most.

I'd like to see if they will replace it with something similar, but if they won't, I don't want to lose it in the return process. And I'm too much of a weakling for cast iron.

I see that they don't cover the use of cooking sprays, which I never use. Don't know if they'd believe me.

Anyone know how liberal they are with the warranty or if they return items that they won't cover?

I returned a Circulon...

a very old slopy side rice pan which wasn't non-stick anymore - no questions asked and they sent me a new one, but they sent me a new WOK, as the old pan is no longer made... and you guessed it, I did not get my old pan back, which I really valued.

Maybe call them up first and find out what they will do, and if you do send it back, write very specific instructions?

The new wok is nice, but I now have 3 woks :{

Yep, that's what I'm afraid of. And I'll spend $40 on shipping and get something I don't want. Hmmm

Honestly, I don't trust what companies say they will or won't do anymore. There are so many goof-ups.

I don't think they see it as a goof-up...

I mean, most people would have been super happy with a shiny new wok, but I loved that pan, and I can't find a replacement now... good thing I kept the lid, as it fits so many of my other fry pans that don't have lids, if I had sent that back I would have been really S O L!!!
