I haven't seen it, but here's what I might do:
(NOTE: this is PURE speculation. I haven't tried this myself.)
You need:
mutant-size cupcake mold, the one with the swirl top (see link).
meltable chocolate (white or brown) confectionary disks. I hate Wiltons, but if that's all you have, that's all you have. I prefer Merkens.
Melt the disks and completely coat the entire inside of the bottom of the cupcake mold. You could use dark for the bottom and white for the icing swirl. You may want to put two layers on...let the first one chill for 5 minutes, then add a second. Make sure the chocolate isn't too warm for the second coat. I would probably pour it in, then turn it sideways and swirl it around to get even coverage. Pour out excess and clean up the edges after it's cold and firm.
Put in the frig to harder, but NOT the freezer. In about 15 minutes, you should be able to pop off the hardened chocolate. You might need to slip the tip of a knife between mold and chocolate to break the seal.
Fill with truffles. Set the white chocolate icing on top.
Mini-version: Brush melted chocolate inside silicon cupcake molds. Pop out.
Brush melted chocolate inside foil cupcake papers.
Note: You can tint the white chocolate any color you want. Just be sure to use an oil or gel-based food coloring, NOT the water-based ones typically found in the grocery-store baking goods.