Has anyone tried a mangosteen? What is it like?

Been a while, but remember I love them! Juicy, texture is almost as good as flavor--

sort of creamy like a peach, but some berry or pineapple like sweetness?? sooooo goooood!

now I'm remembering all the great fruits in Asia-love the dragon fruit, sort of oval with red skin, it is almost more texture than flavor, white with tiny black seeds, juicy yet crisp,yum.

and so many more I can see now, but not remember their names.

Nan, that was a really good description! It has been 35 years since I had a mangosteen,

but I have looked for them everywhere. I don't know why no one imports them -- I seem to remember their season was the same as the durian, but mangosteens don't stink, so why can't some grower ship them!!

Nan, have you eaten durian? My niece had some when she was in Thailand, she brought me back

some durian chips but they didn't smell bad.

Odd, when I was busy not sleeping last night I started thinking about describing flavours. It's

not easy...and I thought of pineapple with mangosteen as well. So faint.

Wow didn't know there were chips, sounds good. Yes I had it in Thailand, our guide took us into a

market, picked out one and gave us tastes right there. It was so good, almost a custard like texture, sweet but not too.

Walking around, he commented on places where the smell of the bit more ripe ones was in the air, but not as awful as I had heard, but enough so, I understand how it could be--eeeeoowww! Am sure you have heard, all hotels, trains, busses, etc. have "no durien" signs?

Guess the window is very small for them. There was a guy on travel channel traveling Asia and eating the different varieties at their prime.


I've never seen a Mangosteen, however in this area, people sell the juice

it is big business. My hair cutter built a new home from the money she made selling Xango (brand name) which is a mix of Mangosteen and other juices. It sells for 40.00 a bottle which is 32 ounces and lasts for one month if you take 1 ounce a day. It got too pricey for me, but it did cure a toenail fungus I had on one toe for over 40 years. Now I can have beautiful French pedicures rather than dark polish to cover the fungus. It was thrilling for me to have that gone!

me too, me too. am planning a South America trip this fall,damn, will think about the Asian fruits!

durian is too fragile to ship, eaten almost right off the trees. Think the chips were from Thailand?
