Has anyone tried the Kirkland chocolate chips? We've almost finished a bag, and I'm not impressed.


Well-known member
At first I thought it was just my kids being picky because they knew they weren't our usual brand, but they have a slightly bitter flavor, and everything we've tried them in has been...ick.

It's one of the few Kirkland brands that have been a thumbs down here at our house.

I agree with you completely Lisa - was so disappointed with them...

actually thought they were 'ick'. That's a first for me at Costco.

I also felt the same way about Trader Joe's chocolate chips. I'm sticking with Nestles and just stocking up when they are on sale (love their new dark chocolate).

I heard there was a cacao shortage and chocolate costs were going up, up, up. So they've probably

found a cheaper method and you're tasting the difference. I used to use Mencken's (C&K) candy disks because they were so much better than Wiltons. But this last batch of dark disks tasted like sugar rather than chocolate! Maybe I'm just spoiled with Callebaut couverture.

I'm glad you said this because I was going to try them. I do like TJ's though...

a TJ's store worker once told me theirs were made with Swiss chocolate.

Being a new to me again Costco shopper I'm trying to sort through what is good under the Kirkland label. I'd read that their Organic Olive Oil tested really well and tested as being all actual olive oil (I guess adding other oil and labeling a bottle olive oil is a big thing). Note only the one labeled organic got this high rating.

Also, saw their organic chicken broth had lower salt that the other low salt brand, so got that one.

I've heard their Kirkland brand wines are good, but so far haven't tried anything that excited me.

Maria - this was the only kirkland product that I haven't been happy with

I loved the Columbian coffee, peanut butter and honey, - I always have that in the house.

I love their paper towels - very strong - but each towel is just too darn big (a lot of waste) so I've gone back to the 'pick a size' kind.

Most people love T.J.'s chocolate - I think it's a weird me thing.

I goofed and ordered 22 POUNDS of 70% callebaut couverture chips. I haven't

been able to use anything else since then. just got used to the taste--everything else seems too sugary now.

(To defend my stupidity, I usually buy the 5 KG block of 70%. When they said they were out, I said "just send me the next size"...thinking it would be 10 pounds. Oh silly me. The next size was 10 KG = 22 pounds. Ya.

I definitely identified with the poor engineer schmuck who missed Mars because he used inches instead of meters in his calculations.)

Trying ONCE again: There is a store out here called Von's. . .

and is run by/with Safeway.

They used to have a "fancy" house label chocolate chip that was delicious. Only got to try it once. When I went back they stopped carrying it; I discovered it too late. . .

I can only eat TJ's 70% pound plus chocolate when. . .

I set a chunk in the oven with the pilot on and wait for it to warm up until it softens "stretches" when I try to pull it apart. It tastes sweeter to me and the flavor is much more developed at this temp than at room temp.

Sadly for my taste buds but gladly for my waistline I have not yet figured out EXACTLY how long to leave it in the oven to get it to where I love it.
