has anyone tried the sweetener made from Stevia called Truvia?

Ang, have you tried Whey-Low? I've heard it's good and can be using in baking, etc. It's expensive,



I love Whey-Low!

A friend and I split an order. It's great! She's a diabetic and not one of her family members could tell she had used anything besides sugar in iced tea!

I really like it. It's pricey, like Meryl says, but in my opinion, very good!

I haven't yet but my friend did. She said it was good.

But being a diabetic she's used to using other kinds of sweetener.

It's been awhile since I've made anything sweet like that but when I do I'll let you know what I think.

Might try a berry cobbler sometime soon.

I haven't seen that in these parts yet. walmart is carrying the Truvia. I actually like Splenda.

was just curious about this new product. no one has mentioned it yet as far as I can remember.

Actually, some health food places stock Whey-Low. You can go to their website

to check out where it's sold.
