has anyone used a corn stripper like this? just wondered how good it might be >>

Does it collect the kernels in the little gizmo? I get an awful mess using the bundt pan method

Yeah- it works very well. Only the two of us so I don't need a great quantity at one time but

it's great for small amouns. I like mine on the cob but I have to cut it off for DH.

I learned a low-tech but effective method watching (gulp, sorry) Emeril. You start by spreading

a clean kitchen towel over your work area. Next you hold an upright corn cob with stem side down in the middle. Using a knife, shave off the kernels, the towel keeps 'em from skittering away.

When you've done two or three of 'em, you just fold the towel in half and funnel the contents into a bowl or whatever container you'd like.

Sounds complicated but isn't. Really. Would Emeril ever steer you wrong?

put the pointy end of the corn cob into the middle hole of a bundt pan... that holds it stable

so you can cut down through the kernels. The pan holds in the kernels, pulp and juices.

No, it works perfectly. You're only cutting off the kernals. Then you can

go back and scrape out the milk into a bowl.

I use the same method right into a big bowl. Works like a charm, no extra gadget

needed....a chef's knife works perfectly. I hold the stem end in my hand, keeping the corn cob straight up vertically, and work around the corn cob in long cuts top to bottom, letting the kernels fall into the bowl. Works great.

Here's a visual. I use a big stainless bowl as well, though

any large bowl will work to contain the kernels. The only difference is that I hold my cob straight up...it just seems to work better for me...better leverage, no bowl slipping around. I also use a chef's knife, actually my santoku, only because it's my go-to knife for just about everything (I *LUV* my santoku).

