Has anyone used the Patagonian Bay Scallops? I have googled but didn't find much about them. I saw


Well-known member
them in the frozen seafood case at Whole Foods and they look so tiny, smaller than the bay scallops I've bought there before. I want to make Ina's Coquilles St. Jacques for guests wonder if they shrink much when cooked as they are pretty small to begin with.

Yes. I've seen the larger scallops before but never the bay as in tiny. About the size of the calico

scallops on the east coast of Florida.

When I make Ina's scallops dish, I use the sea scallops. they are large and I try to find

the ones with a lot of pink scallops in the mix. I usually cut them in half. I like the meaty heft the sea scallops have.
