Haters Guide to WSonoma catalog...


Well-known member
every year there is a new version, this one is pretty good

(I would have skipped all the F=words, but that's just me. It is funny enough to share)

one of my favorite bits is the review on the Breville 2 thousand buck espresso maker

"Oh, well, if it textures my milk for me, I'm all in. I wanna meet the couple (and it has to be a couple) who share such an obsession with coffee that they need to drop two grand on a NASA-designed espresso spaceship that grinds every burr to a precise atomic measurement and heats up your coffee cup to a temperature that was calibrated using advanced fractals. I wanna find this couple, and then piss in their coffee. I really do. Send me their address, and I'll figure out a way. No jury would convict me."

