Have 2 huge haddock fillets in the frige for dinner. DH wants his fried (naturally)

Oh My Gosh! I just did a search and I posted almost the exact message in January!

I'll check out those replies! Sorry!

Cyn, the dish we do is usually with smoked haddock you dont say if yours is....this is a fav of ours

Kedgree...all the recipes are similar. I don't have the one we use with me but there are many to be found on the net, I am sure...rice, smoked haddock (when we cruised I smoked them myself on the stove top smoker...took it to the beach to do)and parsley...so yummy.

No, joanie, mine was fresh. I spritzed with olive oil and sprinkled with Penzey's Cajun- delicious!

Is your recipe posted? I want to try smoking some fish as soon as the weather gets better. (Prediction for tomorrow is 1-3 inches of snow- Blah)

Cyn, I am not sure how to go about the smoker recipe for this....

I really should try it now we are ashore and have a stove and gas BBQ etc. I used to do the smoking in a sand hollow on a small gas that could also be used as a light.
Anyway having smoked the fish I would then use recipes similar to the following I found...
These are supposedly English Breakfasts but we do them for lunch....with champers and OJ...just the best.

from Nick Nairn...use basmati rice, it does make a difference

50g/2oz butter
3 spring onions, chopped
2 tsp curry powder
150g/5½oz rice
125g/5oz smoked haddock, cut into cubes
100ml/3fl oz cream
150ml/¼ pint chicken stock
handful of fresh parsley, chopped

1. Preheat a large saucepan.
2. Melt the butter in the saucepan and add the spring onion. Fry until soft.
3. Add the curry powder and the rice and stir well.
4. Add the chicken stock and bring the rice to the boil. Cook for five minutes.
5. Just before taking the rice off the boil, add the haddock, cream and parsley.
6. Serve while hot.

From Anthony Worrell

600ml/1 pint semi-skimmed milk
1 onion halved
1 fresh bay leaf
225g/8oz undyed smoked haddock
1 garlic clove
2 spring onions, finely sliced
1 sprig thyme
1 tbsp olive oil
225g/8oz unpeeled new potatoes, diced
25g1oz parmesan cheese, grated
2 tbsp low-fat Greek yoghurt
freshly ground black pepper
For the poached eggs
2 soft poached eggs
iced water

1. Heat the milk in a saucepan with the onion and bay leaf. Remove from the heat and allow to infuse for 15 minutes. Return to the heat.
2. When simmering, add the fish and cook for eight minutes. Remove the fish and set aside, then strain the cooking fluid.
3. Cook the garlic, spring onions and thyme in the olive oil for five minutes, then add the potatoes and cooking milk and cook until the potatoes are tender, this should take about 12 minutes.
4. Flake the smoked haddock, discarding any skin or bones and fold into the potato mix. Fold in the parmesan and yoghurt, then season with black pepper to taste.
5. Fill a deep pan with water and bring to the boil, the water should be at least 12cm/4½n deep.
6. Add 1½ tablespoons vinegar for every litre of water.
7. Crack each egg into a coffee cup and slide the egg into the water at the exact point where it has a rolling boil.
8. After 2-3 minutes of cooking lift the eggs with a slotted spoon and lower them into the iced water.
9. Warm through the poached egg and place one on each warm plate.
10. Top with the smoked haddock hash.

From James Martin:
Ohh Yum
½ onion, finely chopped
55g/2oz butter
300g/10½oz basmati rice
1 tsp madras curry powder
freshly grated nutmeg
200ml/7fl oz milk
110ml/4fl oz double cream
300g/10½oz naturally smoked haddock, (NOT dyed) picked over, bones removed and flesh cut into chunks
sea salt and cracked black pepper
small bunch parsley, chopped
3 hard-boiled eggs, shelled and halved
good pinch cayenne and freshly ground nutmeg (optional)
To serve:
knob of butter
wedges of lemon

1. Cook the onion gently in the butter for a few minutes, then add the rice.
2. Continue cooking gently and stirring, adding the curry powder and nutmeg. After a few minutes, add the milk and cream.
3. When the milk and cream begin to simmer, add the fish and continue simmering, stirring occasionally until the rice is cooked.
4. Season, add the parsley and stir. Add the eggs and garnish with cayenne and nutmeg if using. Serve topped with a knob of butter and wedges of lemon.
