Have a very Merry Christmas everyone, however you may celebrate. Keep safe!

You too Karen. Today is traditional Julia's French Onion Soup Day here

I roasted bones and veggies and made the flavorful stock a couple days ago. Today I will slice a mountain of onions (thank heavens for a big Robot Coupe food processor with a veggie "shooter" attachment), caramelize them and made the gratined version of the soup. Homemade French Bread and a salad with dressing (balsamic, raspberry vinegar and a scoop of leftover cranberry sauce from Thanksgiving with mustard and olive oil) is all we will have. Who needs more with this wonderful soup?

Merry Christmas and thank you so much for all your advice.

Richard's cranberry sauce is made; I've the ingredients to make the corn pudding from Ina's site that people here have suggested and I will try the turkey breasts in the slow cooker as a supplement to the 20 pound turkey, again as discussed on this site.
It will be a lovely family filled day.
I have to admit though that I'm looking forward to Boxing day which will be a good book and leftovers.
Happy Holidays.
