Have any of you ever dipped your brandied fruit in chocolate? I only did cherries


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and pineapple. The color has leached out of the cherries so they are not very pretty, but I wondered if I fished them out of the pot and dried them well on towels then dipped in chocolate how they would be. Alternatively, what about chopping up and folding into chocolate frosting for the filling between cake layers?

M, I keep apricots in Amaretto and use them in brownies all the time. Also just used them

in candy along with apricot jam (using those easy Wilton melting pellets to make the shell, then apricot, then jam, then more chocolate). I blot ALOT to remove any excess moisture and because I don't like a hit of alcohol in my food. (Now, in my drinks, that's another thing.)

Yep, just regular ones (not unsulfured) because I love the color. Going on a year now and I just

keep replenishing the jar as I use some up.

I received a large box of Dolcielo brownies last year and they inspired me:

The basic brownie is a fudge-lovers dream. Variations on the basic each include dried fruit (apricot, cherry, cranberry, pineapple) macerated in a complimentary liquor. Usually a nut is then paired with the fruit and brownie (walnut, pecan, almond, etc).

I ended up making the apricot/amaretto version with almonds using Alice Medrich's brownie recipe. It is quick-cooked, then put in a pan of ice water to firm up.


The only thing is: you need a really sharp knife to cut them. The apricots, even softer, are firmer

than the brownie so if a dull knife is used, the brownie gets smooshed.
