Thisis similiar to the Silver Palate soup. I will have to try with basil
Rec: Zucchini-watercress soup from the Silver palete cookbook
Zucchini- Watercress soup.
This soup is wonderful- and elegant and
4 tbs. sweet butter
2 c. finely chopped yellow oonions
3 c. Chicken stock
2 lbs. zucchinin (about 4 med)
1 bunch of watercress
fresh lemon juice to taste
Note: for richer soup, sub 1 cup heavy cream
for 1 cup of liquid added after processing.
(that could milk too - Anne)
1. Melt butter in pot, add onions, cover &
cook over low heat,stirring occasionally,
til oonions are tender and litely colored -
about 25 minutes.
2. Add stock & birng to boiil.
3. Scrub zucchini well, trim ends,and chop
coarsely. Drop zuc. into stock & return to
boil. Reduce heat, cover, & simmer til zuc
are very tender - about 20 minutes.
4. Pull leaves & smaller stems off cress-
you should have at least 4 loosely packed
cups , rinse well.
5. Remove soup from heat, add watercress ,
cover & let stand for 5 minutes.
6. Pouur souup thru strainer, reserving
liquid, & transfer solids to bowl of food
processor with blade or food mill with med.
disc. Add 1 c. of cooking stock and process
til smooth.
7 Return pureed soup to pot and add
additional cooking liquid-about 2 c more
cups till soup is desired consistency.
8. SEason with salt, pepper and lem