Halupki recie of sorts:
I used to have a real recipe but cannot find it. There are Halupki recipes on the internet but mine was very simple.
Remove the loose damaged leaves from a large head of cabbage, take out the round core on the bottom. Drop into boiling, salted water for about 5 minutes, remove, drain and cool. Separate leaves, trying to keep the large ones intact.
Mix 1 pound of ground beef, with raw chopped onion, fresh garlic, 1/2 to 3/4 cups of cooked white rice, salt, pepper and fresh parsely. I like to add some of the juice from the drained sauerkraut (jarred type). Place mixture into the cabbage leaves and roll up sort of like a burrito.
Line a roaster with the smaller or broken cabbage leaves, place a layer of the cabbage rolls, top with sauerkraut, some tomato sauce, and repeat layers ending with sauerkraut and tomato sauce. You can also add a can of diced tomatoes with juice, if you wish on top. Add another layer of cabbage leaves. cover and bake at 325° for two hours.