Have we lost access to the Gails Recipes? I know I posted Halupki, a stuffed cabbage

Hi Karen, It's still there but I think for only a day or so. They've already

started reworking the website. Instead of pulling down FORUM from the main page menu, select "MEMBER RECIPES. Then you'll see FORUM under that and you can select GAIL'S Swap.

Are you sure you posted it under Gails, did you use the term Halupki (not cabbage rolls) and do you remember your user name? Not that it will make much difference since they lumped all of us under "user". But if someone referenced you in the subject line, it helps.

I searched at Gail's for HALUPKI and only came up with two entries.

I get 5 pages of entries with "cabbage rolls".


Waking up with coffee while sifting one last time through the old archives. What a trip down memory

lane. Having melancholic moments over what we all once had there at the former swap mixed with even greater moments of gratitude for what we have here in this forum.

I know. I hit one that had Randi, Meryl, and Steve in the responses....

"We only part to meet again."
~John Gay

"I'll bring the booze."

The "Way Back" Machine site? Yes...it's still there. You can't search it and it's

not comprehensive, but if you have an archive number, you can pull up the threads.

Those archive numbers are the only thing I used Epicurious for over the past years.

I did find a reference to my Halupki recipe on the old Gail's, I just mentioned

the ingredients, and it did jog my memory. Think I can make it the way I liked it. Thanks

This is it! I'm hoping as long as this site has this archive available, we won't lose Gail's.

I know it can't really be searched, but, hey, who knows? If I end up making a few million dollars, I might just hire someone to map this out and create a searchable archive.

Then Epi would sue me, and I'd be broke again.


I know, a few weeks ago I was searching for something even here

and I found a thread with Randi. I got hung up for such a long time on it.....

One thing I noticed this morning

is that many of the pages seemed to be archived through the Wayback machine. Also, many of the COMN links work.

Would you be able to post the rec, please. I have not made Stuffed Cabbage in a year or so. Your

post inspired me.

Halupki recie of sorts:

I used to have a real recipe but cannot find it. There are Halupki recipes on the internet but mine was very simple.

Remove the loose damaged leaves from a large head of cabbage, take out the round core on the bottom. Drop into boiling, salted water for about 5 minutes, remove, drain and cool. Separate leaves, trying to keep the large ones intact.

Mix 1 pound of ground beef, with raw chopped onion, fresh garlic, 1/2 to 3/4 cups of cooked white rice, salt, pepper and fresh parsely. I like to add some of the juice from the drained sauerkraut (jarred type). Place mixture into the cabbage leaves and roll up sort of like a burrito.

Line a roaster with the smaller or broken cabbage leaves, place a layer of the cabbage rolls, top with sauerkraut, some tomato sauce, and repeat layers ending with sauerkraut and tomato sauce. You can also add a can of diced tomatoes with juice, if you wish on top. Add another layer of cabbage leaves. cover and bake at 325° for two hours.

This is the exact thing I make but I was told it is called cabbage

rolls. I have never heard that name before but it is the same recipe and we love it.
