Have you ever made homemade mayonnaise? What to do if it doesn't emulsify??


Well-known member
I tried it a couple of times. The first time it came out perfect, the next two times, it didn't emulsify. AT ALL. Looked like white oil.

recipe was:

1 whole egg

1 egg yolk

1 tablespoons lemon juice

1/4 teaspoon salt

1 1/2 cups canola oil

Place the eggs, lemon juice, and salt into a blender. Blend, then add in the oil slowly until emulsified.


Sandi, mayonnaise won't emulsify if the eggs are cold, or if there is a thunderstorm. The French say

a failed mayonnaise could also mean that you're going to have a baby. Leave it to the French to come up with a pregnancy test that is also a sauce!

Julia gives a maximum of 1/2 cup oil per egg yolk. I think this recipe needs one more yolk. Also, I've never seen a recipe without Dijon mustard, which is also an emulsifier.

Julia's method for fixing a failed mayonnaise: Warm a bowl with hot water and dry. Put a spoonful of Dijon in the bowl. (room temp.) Stir up the mixture and whisk it into the bowl by dribbles. If you go slowly, this should work.

Ha. Ha ha. Ha ha ha. Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!!!

I don't think so! But two outa three is pretty good.

We had a mini thunderstorm yesterday morning, and the eggs in the two failed batches were cold.

Thanks for the explanations. I think.

