Have you ever thought that life is too short to make all these wonderful sounding recipes!

The binding on my second notebook of "things to try" just split. I haven't even gotten

to all the recipes in the first one.
Do you also start looking through printouts for a certain recipe and get sidetracked by "Oh- I haven't made this in a while and it was soooo good I should really make it again soon!"?

I was just planning a strip to BBB or the Container store to get some of those

wicker file boxes -- tired of thumbing thru all my printed pages ##@$$!!$##

When I really need something, someone is at the computer. You can't do without paper!!!


Pat, I'm pretty sure they'll sell it you even if you're not naked....

but hey, it might get you a discount. Go for it, girl.

Oh Lordy Marilyn! LOL and that's not a good thing. I purposely am

trying not to read your posts cause I've just had a bit of surgery on my face and it hurts to laugh! You just make it impossible though. (((HUGS)))

Am so glad to read there are others like me who stuff printed Internet recipes into folders.

Unfortunately, my filing system is the ole 'random access' method, and that's why I'm at FK right now.

I am POSITIVE I have already printed off Miss Piggy's peach pie recipe plus all variations and also cheezz's apple pie version, but can I find them??? NOPE, so I'm printing them off again! It's pretty sad, this recipe filing system of mine. LOL! Truly, I need to take some time to overhaul and better organize, but I'd much rather cook. Am off to find peaches now . . .

That what I used to do as well. Then I started putting them in binders

by category. Then the binder-thing got outta control and I had to graduate to a 2 drawer filing cabinet. Then I needed more filing drawers, especially once I started assisting with and taking cooking classes...whoa, those recipe packets really add up. It's much easier to find things this way...just open the drawer to the appropriate category and wallah.

My next step is deciding on a software program (Mastercook or Big Oven or Living Cookbook) and get many of these recipes imported and stored on the computer then I can get rid of the filing cabinet system.
