Hello again!


Well-known member
So here we are, back in America!

So good to be back... we're down at the Jersey Shore for a few days, then we'll be in NY until we decide what our next step will be -

For now, I'm really enjoying the silly, simple things, like shopping! Supermarkets and drugstores are like Aladin's Caves and everything is SO CHEAP, at least compared to Australia -

And there is so much choice, I feel like my little brain is going to explode each time I walk down a new aisle... WOW!

It's also nice to be back in everyone else's timezone!

Now, I wonder if my name change "took"?

Welcome Sandra, to the Land of the Free, Home of the Brave to Shop 'til You Drop

So good to hear you’re here!! Ironically, my Scottish wandering niece just landed in Australia a couple of weeks ago after visiting Hong Kong and has just landed a job down there. She says she’s “upside down” – LOL!

Be sure to visit the Whale’s Tale in Cape May – my favorite shop “down the shore.”

Have fun!!!


Welcome back!

Nice to see you "right side up" again. Where are you on the Jersey shore? dh & I both are originally from NJ and he grew up in Shrewsbury, on the northern shore.
Have fun shopping.

I hadn't changed your name, but I have now. Next time you post, you will be...

Sandra in New York. :eek:)

Judy we're further south

In Avalon, although we'll be in Shrewsbury next week for a friend's mom's 80th b'day

It's good to be in the Northern hemisphere again! Driving feels a bit odd, but I'm sure we'll be fine in no time!

Thanks Mimi!! I like that we can still se the old and the new names! Helps me keep track of myself..
