Hello.. :o)


Active member
My name is Charlotte. I live just outside of Sacramento, CA, and..have been a lurker since (no really, its true), 1996.

Up until now I haven't contributed because, frankly? Every last one of you outrank me so bad..its scary. Just a couple of days ago, I read that Epicurious is closing down their recipe swap. I thought..well, of course. You chased off all the really great contributers. Then I realized..it had been TEN...YEARS!

Where did the time go? Next thing you know I'm staying up nights going through the archives..trying to salvage anything I can get my hands on. My recipe program looks like Hiroshima..something BIG hit it, but I don't care. I'm afraid those recipes and stories will disappear forever.

Having said that..after two decades; going from a young person..to..a close to grandmother now--I wish to say first..

..thank you for all of your help over the years. I can't wait to tell you the stories..and second..I'm ready to come out of the shadows. The only thing that stopped me before was..all of you are SO much better in the kitchen than I am. How could I possibly keep up with you?

Having said that, first..thanks, and second..come hades or high water..I'll post. Apologies paid forward for my homespun ways.

I love you all..

Charlotte Groth..

your new poster dislocated to California


Welcome, (from a not-talented) cook who likes this site too

I come here to get ideas and to feel the community. As you see, we've lost some wonderful warm-hearted people. Glad you are here.

I am not anything but an amateur who loves fooling around in the kitchen. There are some great cooks

here and a whole bunch of warm wonderful people. Welcome.

Hello Charlotte and welcome! As you know there are some

amazing cooks here that are always ready to help out. Glad you poked your head out.

Hi Charlotte! Have no fear...I've probably failed at every possible thing there is

to make.

I look at my failures as a learning experience. And, to be honest, a sad waste of ingredients. An exercise in futility? A tangible expression of my ineptitude? For heaven's sake, why am I even allowed in a kitchen? They should issue HazMat suits when I'm around.

but enough about me...
Hello...and welcome!

Welcome!! We recently heard about EPI. What a shame. Glad you were able to find your recipes.

before they shut down the forum. I fear that all of them will be lost. Such a treasure of great recipes.....

Welcome and thanks for introducing yourself!


the great things about this forum

The depth of knowledge here is amazing but what is even better is the way people interact. I am grateful to have found a forum where people are so generous and kind.

Charlotte, one of the reasons we all came here is because this old, out-moded format...

...still seems "friendlier" to most of us than what we find on Epi and other forums. How long our generous and long-suffering host, Paul, can find the time and the coding genius to hold this ship together is up for debate. You've probably read how hard it is for him to do so.

We are thankful to Paul for keeping the doors open here. It allows us to congregate, share, and keep the fire of 'Gail's Swap' burning.

Please don't worry about your proficiency in the kitchen! When I first started lurking at Gail's in August of -'95, I was very intimidated. I had no idea that manicotti WASN'T made with hamburger, cottage cheese and Hellman's mayonaise! The cooks here have always been generous with their advice and with the treasury of experience and the recipes they've gleaned or created over the years. That is the beauty of this place.

I've now logged 20 years online with these folks, and 30 years cooking for my family and friends. I can tell you I wouldn't be nearly as good at the latter without the ongoing help of the former!

WELCOME. I look forward to your posts, and I promise to help out where I can, and also to enjoy your 'homespun ways' immensely!


welcome Charlotte! I confess to using cake mixes and self rising flour:) please check our T&T

section(up above in "All Forums") we have posted many favorite recipes from the old forum and also some favorite threads. lots of gold in that section.

Welcome!! I'm up in Elk Grove a lot...love northern CA. Truly, if you've followed some of our posts

And seen some of the flops we have posted, you shouldn't feel like an amateur! I still can't make a pizza dough to save my life and my guilty pleasure is eating Skippy peanut butter out of a jar smileys/smile.gif
No amped up egos here - just a bunch of really loving, caring people who try to help each other out. No question is too dumb, no problem too big that we won't try to help - whether or not we have a clue what we're talking about smileys/smile.gif
