My name is Charlotte. I live just outside of Sacramento, CA, and..have been a lurker since (no really, its true), 1996.
Up until now I haven't contributed because, frankly? Every last one of you outrank me so bad..its scary. Just a couple of days ago, I read that Epicurious is closing down their recipe swap. I thought..well, of course. You chased off all the really great contributers. Then I had been TEN...YEARS!
Where did the time go? Next thing you know I'm staying up nights going through the archives..trying to salvage anything I can get my hands on. My recipe program looks like Hiroshima..something BIG hit it, but I don't care. I'm afraid those recipes and stories will disappear forever.
Having said that..after two decades; going from a young close to grandmother now--I wish to say first..
..thank you for all of your help over the years. I can't wait to tell you the stories..and second..I'm ready to come out of the shadows. The only thing that stopped me before was..all of you are SO much better in the kitchen than I am. How could I possibly keep up with you?
Having said that, first..thanks, and second..come hades or high water..I'll post. Apologies paid forward for my homespun ways.
I love you all..
Charlotte Groth..
your new poster dislocated to California
Up until now I haven't contributed because, frankly? Every last one of you outrank me so bad..its scary. Just a couple of days ago, I read that Epicurious is closing down their recipe swap. I thought..well, of course. You chased off all the really great contributers. Then I had been TEN...YEARS!
Where did the time go? Next thing you know I'm staying up nights going through the archives..trying to salvage anything I can get my hands on. My recipe program looks like Hiroshima..something BIG hit it, but I don't care. I'm afraid those recipes and stories will disappear forever.
Having said that..after two decades; going from a young close to grandmother now--I wish to say first..
..thank you for all of your help over the years. I can't wait to tell you the stories..and second..I'm ready to come out of the shadows. The only thing that stopped me before was..all of you are SO much better in the kitchen than I am. How could I possibly keep up with you?
Having said that, first..thanks, and second..come hades or high water..I'll post. Apologies paid forward for my homespun ways.
I love you all..
Charlotte Groth..
your new poster dislocated to California