Help from all you bread bakers please.


Well-known member
I am wondering, if I make the bread dough and then shape them into knots for rolls, can I then freeze them raw? If so, could I defrost them overnight in the refrigerator and bake them in the morning?

I am hoping this will work because I'm hosting a shower at my house, and I would like to make about 50 rolls for 11am.


I would not worry about freezing them, just. . .

Make the dough the night before with lukewarm ingredients then let rise in the fridge. Then, about 2 hrs before the shower, punch the dough down lightly and form into knots. Let double in a warm place then cook.

I like to let the dough rise in the fridge

You could easily make the dough and shape them the day before, putting them in the fridge for overnight. Just make sure they have about 45 minutes at room temp before baking. If you freeze them shaped they will still rise a bit in the freezer and the crust will not look as good.

If you want to make the dough well in advance I would recommend freezing after the first rise. Just gently deflate it, wrap loosely in lightly oiled plastic (it will still rise some in the freezer), then into a ziploc bag and freeze. Let it thaw completely and complete the second rise before again deflating for shaping.

Cindy, you could freeze them for a few weeks. Longer might kill off the yeast

Definitely do a trial run, but I would suggest freezing them shaped as you say, letting them thaw in the fridge overnight or even longer, then putting them in a warm place for an hour or two to finish rising before baking.

If you find they've risen sufficiently in the fridge, then you could just leave them there until baking time.

In another vein, I always make & bake by Thanksgiving rolls a couple of days before & freeze them

as soon as they have cooled to room temp. Then I take out what I need & heat them at around 200-250 or so for 10 minutes or so. They are as good as freshly baked. No hassle!

* spelling correction:
I make and bake "my" not "by" Thanksgiving rolls....

BTW I use the recipe in Sunset's Breads Recipe book

Good idea, I do the same with French bread and I've done it with hard rolls. In those cases,

to crisp the hard crust, I put it in a 400* oven for 10 minutes.
