HELP!! I am making Limoncello. Do I need to drain the alcohol off the lemon peel before putting


Well-known member
sugar water in? I have read different recipes some say yes some say no. I know many of you have made it what do you suggest?

Hi Brooksie, yes...if the peels have been in the alcohol for the specified time

Then all of the essential oils have been distilled. i used using dampened coffee filters to remove mine.

Now you,ll add the sugar and let it sit again.

Yep, that's what I used. Can't remember the effect immediately after adding the syrup, but

after the second 40 day wait, mine was golden and clear.

I was a bit disappointed because I actaully wanted the lemony-colored version and this looked more like a golden brandy. But the taste was amazing.

I tried a shorter version the following year (3 weeks versus 80 days) and used a single bottle of vodka. That one ended up more yellow and opaque. Visual was better, but the taste wasn't as smooth.

If I remember right, you'll want to strain it through a cheesecloth at the end of the cure. That

will clear it up. You may need to strain it a few times. I opted to skip this step. I kept the bottle in the freezer and the cloudiness contributed to the "frostiness" effect. Or at least that's what I told myself. smileys/smile.gif No one ever said, "What?! You didn't strain it? No thanks..." That bottle was polished off in no time!
