I recently purchased some Cacao di Pernigotti and also some Scharffen Berger unsweetened cocoa
powders, but haven't tried nor compared them to Hershey's yet. I've never seen El Rey in this small burg so I'll keep my eye peeled for it, too, and pick up a container if I ever run across it. Thanks for the tip. Also, I didn't realize that Pernigotti was Dutch-process, but yes, it is stated as such in the fine print which I never would have read through if you hadn't mentioned it, Sandi. Double thanks! I learned in a cooking class eons ago from Stephen Schmidt (author of MASTER RECIPES) that you should never substitute Dutch-process for regular unsweetened baking cocoa.
This thread brings to mind a funny story from an old neighborhood luncheon group I used to be in, but is defunct now. The cooking skills ranged from novice to gourmet. One gal made and brought a chocolate cake from scratch that was TERRIBLE, and she asked me what I thought she had done wrong. Her recipe sounded exceptionally good so after posing many questions, I finally figured out that for the cocoa called for, Joanne had used the stuff she typically used to make hot chocolate drinks for her kids!!!! God bless her. But upon reflection, how in the world would a rookie know that hot chocolate mix is vastly different from baking cocoa???? Both cans are labeled as 'cocoa'!
PPPS: Off the cocoa topic but also hysterical, one of the other gals tried out a new appetizer recipe during another month when we got together, and it was AWFUL. Finally, Katie tasted her own food contribution and about choked. Turned out there was a misprint in a locally assembled cookbook which read 1/4 CUP garlic salt, and Katie had not realized that was an obvious misprint which was undoubtedly meant to be 1/4 teaspoon. What a hoot. We teased her about that one for a long time.