More thoughts....
Yes, having them work in pairs is a good idea. And I definitely like the idea that you may do this as a hands-on vs. just a demo, since you say the ladies are beginners. Beginners will benefit from getting in there and *doing*, vs watching something and not having a sense of what it might be like. And hands-on often leads to *making mistakes* which is a great way to learn, not only for the student making the mistake but for the others as well. Hands-on presents many opportunities to learn and ask questions.
Some easy recipes would be good. Cookie logs are fun, and maybe a drop cookie would be a good one to start with to build confidence for newbie bakers. A few techniques in your demo would be great, things like explaining the difference between dry vs wet measuring cups, accurate measuring and leveling off of measuring spoons, not "packing" flour into measuring cups; creaming; folding in ingredients vs *stirring*).
You also might consider having a helper to assist you....someone who is comfortable in the kitchen and knows baking and would be willing to be your second hand person to manage the ovens, float between the stations/groups assisting them as needed, running for missing ingredients or utensils, and in general -- helping you troubleshoot this that or the other. You might consider having your helper be a dishwasher as well. You'll be surprised how many things need to be washed during the class and a helper and/or dishwasher would free you to prioritize and focus on what's most important in the class.
I'd also recommend doing a couple classes with adults only before adding children to the cooking class picture. Kids' classes are a whole different ballgame and require extra attention, care and considerations.