Help. I need 1 more pie for Thanksgiving. Have pumpkin, friend is bringing apple bars (a specialty).


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Mince--did last year, freaked out the non-natives.

Can't do apple...

Cherry?! No one has cherry pie at Thanksgiving...

What else is there? Pecan? I've never made one of those. smileys/irritated.gif

Yep, pecan pie is a piece of cake. Here is a recipe from my Texan friend:

Beat together:

3 eggs
2/3 cup sugar
1/3 cup melted butter
1/2 tsp. salt
1 cup syrup: any combination of light or dark corn syrup and/or maple (I use 1/3 cup of each.)

Fold in:

1 cup pecan halves.

Pour into an unbaked pie crust and bake!

(I never got the particulars of baking but I wing it--375* until the filling is set and the crust is golden.) If you're baking it along with something else the temperature is not critical. It's very forgiving.)

We always have cherry, mince and pumpkin. But this year skipping the mince

and making a french apple, or maybe dutch, the icing on the french apple is sooo sweet.

I love mince pie but no one else does and I can't eat a whole pie myself. (Well, I could but...)

I love mince, particularly with hard sauce. Guests last year were utterly baffled by it*, though,

and were convinced I was trying to make them eat pie with jam and meat. Oh, well. More for me!

*Not a lot of mince pie under Communism, apparently.
