HELP!! Photobucket challenged!!

and if the picture comes over huge, I re-size it by putting 600 in the first field and let the edit

function fill in the rest. it makes the picture doable here.

When I type in 600 it puts 45 in the second field and still won't let me apply it...

It says I must have a number larger than zero. Huh?! I tried it 8 times. Same result.

Maria, I can get them this week. I'm coming up to Sacramento the 23rd

Do you live anywhere near?

That would be great! I'll get them and take them with me. If we don't meet up, I'll drop in the mail

Oh Maria!! I got your cookie cutter and they were half price!!!

So for $5 and tax, you get the same ones I paid $21 for at William Sonoma. I love getting a deal smileys/smile.gif

Yay!!! I'll be near Citrus Heights/Roseville...

Not sure if I'm staying that long, will make the pitch once I'm there, we usually have a blast and I tend to stay longer, but I don't know her schedule.

I'm driving up tomorrow -- do you have my email? If not, try me at

sparkles_95130 (at) yahoo (dot) com
