HELP - quickly!!! Someone with pressure canning experience - just pulled some stuf f out????


Well-known member
I have not mastered this pressure canning thing and as much as I helped my grandmother you would think it would be easy.

I just canned some greens and I'm not so sure about things.

Use hot sanitized jars & lids. Check

Fill with boiling liquid. Check

Fill to the bottom of the neck. Check

Use a knife (I have a canning tool) to go along sides of jar to let air out. Check

Wipe rim. Check

Place lid & ring on and tighten until snug. Check - I think

Bring water in canner to a boil. Check

Turn off and add jars so they don't touch. Check

Place lid on and boil for 10 minutes to get air out of canner. Check

Place petcock on and bring up to 10#s pressure. Check

Process. Check

Let cool until pressure is relieved. Check

Remove from canner and place on towel. Check

Okay, so why do I always wind up with part of my canning liquid coming out of the jars and into my canning water?

And the greens have all come to the top with about an 1/2 inch of liquid on the bottom. And the liquid is boiling inside the jar with bit air bubbles bubbling up. Should it be doing that?

And finally, do I let cool with the lid up or invert and let cool with the lid down which is what I remember my grandmother doing?

Thanks - I went searching too

And found that one from the Image link. I think I am okay. We'll see tomorrow. I didn't try to rush it at all, in fact, I wasn't even really watching it because I was busy doing other things so by the time I got to it, all the pressure was off and when I removed steam cock or whatever that thing is I can't seem to remember the name of is, there was virtually no steam coming out and the second safety immedially went down.

I think that even though I am watching what I am doing, I might still be getting a little too much in the jars. And maybe I need to do an even better job of trying to get the air out of the jars.

Thanks - I just can't quite get the hang of this and I want to so badly.

Missy, see if your county extension agency gives a pressure canning class every year. it's usually

free and lots of good tips and advice.

I used to use individual microwave canners, that worked under pressure as well.

In fact, that's the only way I did can. I occasionally found that a little seeped out through the seal, but it never did destroy the seal. I just assumed that I had filled the jar too high. And yes, I'd find it leaked into the surrounding water bath. Don't know why it didn't cause a problem as it seems to make sense that a little food would create an air passage through the seal.

But I never, ever had a problem with spoilage. So, I'm thinking that you'll never, ever have a problem with spoilage.

Is there any sound more fulfilling than that PING a few moments after the jars come out of the bath?

good luck.

I'm addicted to canning... started doing a little last year - did a lot more this year....

I joined a CSA last year - even with an individual share - it was way to much for the two of us. We gave away alot to the neighbors and family. Last year was the first time ever canning - and I only canned apple butter from apples my brother bought at a local farm.

This year the neighbor joined the CSA too - so we can't give to them. The same neighbor signed up for hosting a Ball canning party (who knew they did that?) and I got a lot of freebies including the Ball Blue Canning book. So - what ever I had a lot of/too much of - I found a recipe and canned it. I normally do small batches 6 pints at a time - that's easier for me. In two hours I can clean, cut, cook, can and clean up!

But that also lead to the addiction.... smileys/wink.gif

Just one more thing to can....
I'd go the CSA farm and ensure I picked all that I was entitled to.... Hey - I can can it....
There was a point where a 3 foot section of my counter top was covered with baskets of ripening tomatoes.... oye....

So - now I just pick up my pre-picked share. I don't go out to the fields for extra stuff.... It's hard not going out there... there's tomatoes - I can make more sauce - more salsa - more bruschetta...But I stop myself... I have enough for us and to even give away!

In my root celar (which is also the wine celar and the celar celar smileys/wink.gif )

Strawberry Preserves
Peach Jam
Apple Butter
Mom's Apple Pie Jam
Hot Salsa
Mild Salsa
Salsa Verde
Pickled jalepenos
Pickled hot peppers
Tomato Sauce
Chili Sauce
Pepper Jelly
Dill Pickles
Bread & Butter Pickles

Whew!!!! I put away the canning equipment... out of sight out of mind - no temptation....until next year....



Nice Tess. I thought I had an overabundance this year but I believe you've outdone my

efforts. I don't really can vegetables but put up about a case each of the following jams:

Apple Butter
Black Fig, Orange and Rosemary
Cardamom Plum
Green Fig
Green Fig and Cardamom
Green Fig and Grapefruit
Green Fig, Ginger & Lemon
Green Fig, Vanilla & Cognac
Guava and Passion Fruit
Mango and Passion Fruit
Meyer Lemon Marmalade
White Peach

Comes in handy at Christmas time, 'round here.
