Here is another website that is pure fun.....Les Dames (Escoffier) Chicago ...Enjoy!

Gay, This is such a fun site! I love the Pink Deviled Eggs! I wish I did not feel so apprehensive

about piping. I must have had a bad experience along the way, because I really dread the idea of it. I also loved the spoon appetizers. (Again, I loth piping), but the flavors sound wonderful, and I have a bunch of chinese decorated spoons, just calling to me to be used. LASTLY, I LOVE the serving bowl for the arugula salad. If I were to see one in a store, it would not occur to me to use for a salad, I would think more pudding, dessert, etc. BUT, it works and looks so pretty!

Thanks for the site. A great way to spend a rainy afternoon!

barb, You picked the two recipes I cannot wait to make and with reference to the bowl the salad

is in....go to Home Goods and look there as I believe I may have seen the exact same thing there. I am going to go myself and I will let you know....perhaps next week.


Do you think these need to be blanched?

They would be great to take this evening. Our friends who make beer have too much, and it is our duty to help them get rid of it so they can make more.

I don't feel like blanching all those almonds, though.

I think you can go either way

when I make the black pepper almonds - you are supposed to used blanched ones and I NEVER do. Since it has a short baking time, it should be fine.
