Here's a link for with oodles of recipes for those with high insulin issues.

Hi Marsha. The FDA says...

Insulin is produced by the beta cells in the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas. When glucose enters our blood, the pancreas should automatically produce the right amount of insulin to move glucose into our cells. People with type 1 diabetes produce no insulin. People with type 2 diabetes do not always produce enough insulin.

This suggests that dibetes is the result of low insulin.

Good find Marsha. Thanks. Now to get him off piles of butter, salt, meat fat. And yet he

won't eat pasta because it's high carb. And I'd eat it every day.

Marg, tell him I read in Dr. Barnard's book that you can eat pasta if you cook it less. The more it

is cooked the worse it is for diabetics according to him.

I think we discussed this before, Kamut is a good replacement because it is a protein, I believe it states....

That's right. When I saw "high insulin issues" my eyes lit up. I thought it was a website with

loads of cakes and cookies and other sweet treats. What a letdown! smileys/smile.gif

When I was hypo glycemic (excess insulin) the doctor put me on

a diet that was similar to a diabetic's -- very few root vegetables, no foods with natural sweetners, low carbohydrate, etc.

It turned out that one of my medications was causing the problem and a change of medications essentially solved my problem, thanks goodnes. I can have carbs mow, but I have to watch my weight, so I continue to limit their intake most of the time.

Yes, but I'm a type 1 (insulin dependent) and we don't actually have to restrict carbs, just

be able to count them so we can give an appropriate dose of insulin. Type 1s for the most part can eat anything. The advantage of sites like this is that they take the homework out of cooking -- trying to calculate the carbs in a recipe can take a bit of work sometimes, and things you buy in the store or eat out are often mystery carbo-content.

Sites like this are also great for people with type 2 diabetes, who generally do have to restrict carbo intake.

This is one of the reasons that I really like recipes from Light Cooking and Sunset,

is that they list the nutrional count for you. Light Cooking even tells you what the "serving size" actually is. It makes it really easy.

Really? I didn't know that, about people with type 1

diabetes not having to restrict their carb intake. Interesting. Thanks for the website Marsha.

Also, politely, but I think it is rather that people with type 2

diabetes cannot use their insulin, for whatever reason, or so our doctor says.

Apparently the cell walls get a notice not to "let the insulin in" and close up their receptors, building up glucose/sugar in the blood instead of allowing it inside the cell, where it belongs. Insulin is the "key" and the cell has a "lock" that won't open adequately anymore. Partially heredity, but brought on by environmental factors.

That's why it is encouraging that you can remove the thing that's telling the cells to close up. It's a whole different ball game than with type 1 diabetes. In some cases for people with type 2, it's lack of exercise, in others it's too fuch body fat. Or both. When people with T2 exercise more, there's usually an immediate decrease in blood glucose levels. And losing body fat will give you a permanent decrease in insulin "lock-out" because the cells can use the insulin more easily.

And thanks again for the great looking recipes, Marsha.

Thanks Dawn...for what it's worth when I think of high blood sugar, I think high insulin, I guess

that is wrong. My husband has high blood sugar and I have low blood sugar....

Careful, Marsha. Low blood sugar can be a precursor of type 2

diabetes. You might want to ask your doctor next visit.

Yes, I realize...I don't have any symptoms...we've both lost weight, I need to lose

about 30 more; I exercise Pilates almost every day and we're both walking at least a mile nearly ever day; we don't eat cakes, cookies or pies unless I can make them without butter, flour and sugar; and we have very little fat now.

Thanks for your kind concern. I do appreciate it very much!!!!!!!
