Also, politely, but I think it is rather that people with type 2
diabetes cannot use their insulin, for whatever reason, or so our doctor says.
Apparently the cell walls get a notice not to "let the insulin in" and close up their receptors, building up glucose/sugar in the blood instead of allowing it inside the cell, where it belongs. Insulin is the "key" and the cell has a "lock" that won't open adequately anymore. Partially heredity, but brought on by environmental factors.
That's why it is encouraging that you can remove the thing that's telling the cells to close up. It's a whole different ball game than with type 1 diabetes. In some cases for people with type 2, it's lack of exercise, in others it's too fuch body fat. Or both. When people with T2 exercise more, there's usually an immediate decrease in blood glucose levels. And losing body fat will give you a permanent decrease in insulin "lock-out" because the cells can use the insulin more easily.
And thanks again for the great looking recipes, Marsha.