Heritage turkey report


Well-known member
I roasted it in a covered pot, in a slow oven, until the thigh was at 175 and the breast at 165. The meat had excellent flavor. The breast was moist and perfectly done. The wings and dark meat may have benefited from a few more degrees as they had a tiny bit of chew to them. Of course, the skin was pale and flabby but I knew it would be. It was peeled off and tossed back in the pot and contributed to the stock I made yesterday.

My local turkey - three ways

Brined in fresh apple cider and herbs.
Breast got roasted.
Leg quarters got smoked on the gas grill with applewood and pecan wood. (My first venture in smoking on the gas grill).
Wings got deep fried.

All in all very good. I overcooked the wings a little but the smoked was excellent and the breast was very good.

roasting specifics

Because the turkey-sized roaster won't work on my induction cook top (it's SS but not magnetic)I put the empty pan in a 325F oven to get hot while I browned the aromatics, neck, and gizzard. When they were nicely brown I put them, followed by the almost room-temp bird in the hot pan, no rack, covered with parchment then the top and put it back in the oven. After 45 minutes I turned the oven temp down to 275F.

I got a Kitchen Aid rib kit at Costco this summer and it came with a smoker box

I just soaked the chips in water for at least 15 minutes (Cooks Illustrated found that long soaking didn't help and actually harmed the flavor so shorter soaking times are perfectly fine.

I put the box over two of the little flame 'dispersal' things that cover the actual burners. It took a while but then it started smoking and I just kept refilling it and I kept the burners off except the ones where the smoker box was and kept them medium to low to keep it smoking at a low temp. I did have all burners on and all the way up well preheated when I put it on so that sort of cooked the turkey and browned it nicely then I turned the ones under the turkey off.

Missy, thanks for the tip about soaking the chips. I soaked my hickory chips for well over an hour

when using for my charcoal BBQ'd bird. I'll soak them for 15 minutes next time.
