made the "A Girl and Her Greens" recipe-- I thought it was just a side dish, but the calories mean it's the main course.
Most recipes recommend just sautéing the greens and then eating. But Whole Foods recommends boiling first to remove excess acid. I wonder if that could be what is causing the "fuzziness" issue?
from Whole Foods:
"Swiss chard is only one of three vegetables we recommend boiling to free up acids and allowing them to leach into the boiling water; this brings out a sweeter taste from the chard. Discard the boiling water after cooking; do not drink it or use it for stock because of its acid content."
Most recipes recommend just sautéing the greens and then eating. But Whole Foods recommends boiling first to remove excess acid. I wonder if that could be what is causing the "fuzziness" issue?
from Whole Foods:
"Swiss chard is only one of three vegetables we recommend boiling to free up acids and allowing them to leach into the boiling water; this brings out a sweeter taste from the chard. Discard the boiling water after cooking; do not drink it or use it for stock because of its acid content."