Hey Angie, thanks for the warning on the swiss chard. I still haven't


made the "A Girl and Her Greens" recipe-- I thought it was just a side dish, but the calories mean it's the main course.

Most recipes recommend just sautéing the greens and then eating. But Whole Foods recommends boiling first to remove excess acid. I wonder if that could be what is causing the "fuzziness" issue?

from Whole Foods:

"Swiss chard is only one of three vegetables we recommend boiling to free up acids and allowing them to leach into the boiling water; this brings out a sweeter taste from the chard. Discard the boiling water after cooking; do not drink it or use it for stock because of its acid content."

Stir fry? We have it often--I know the feeling you are describing, but it usually

goes away after a bite or so. I've never eaten it raw

Curious, it seems like turnip greens and spinach are two others they

recommend boiling in a large amount of water to remove oxalates by 50% (the spinach option is for people who have gastro-intestinal issues).
