Hey, Curious, Michael, Sandy, Lana, Woody...Got your snuggies on? BRRRRR

I'm wearing my sweat pants, knee-high socks and sneakers 'cus my fuzzy slippers are not

warm enough! I took my beautiful azalea plant in from the porch inside so it won't freeze.

46°F as I speak. This is cruel and unusual punishment!!

Oh, pish posh! So it's going to get a little chilly...our "Snowbanks"


Oh, I feel so sorry for you Floridians-Here in NC it's 23, feels like 15, & going down to 18 tonight

Aww, come on Meryl :0( You gotta give us some slack cause it happen

to us over night. And in a couple of days it will be 80 again. Our footsies aren't used to it.

No slack for you! LOL. It was 62 here two days ago. Now it's 23! Same problem, but colder! And here

I am, in the SOUTH?????? NC doesn't know whether it's North or South, so it goes up and down whenever it pleases. Feh! I'm moving back to FL (I lived in Delray and Boynton Beach for 7 years).

Michael, is that a Bird of Paradise on the left of the picture? If so,

do they handle the cold weather??? I see you are using frost cloth to protect some tender plants. We use it here in the Sacramento Valley too. Our elderly kitty, who wants to be outside, has discovered that if she snuggles into a mound of frost cloth, she stays warm. So we have a bunch of it sitting on our garden bench, just for her.

Lovely home, by the way.

Thanks, Karen! Yes it's a Bird of Paradise...first bloom since we moved in four Christmases ago.

They do seem to be ok in our freezes. So far.

We just got the Frost Cloth so we'll see how it works. Maybe our kitty will like it too. For him, this is couch weather. He never jumps up on the couch unless it's real cold.

Snow on the lake

We had a dusting of snow on my deck and the lake along with 14 degrees this morning.

Don't laugh - I even put the heat on!

When the temp in the house dropped from 63 F to 60 F, I switched the heat on, set to 65. And I'm bundled up as well.

I know, I'm a wimp. But 12 years in FL will do that to you!
