Hey Deb in MI, I'm still curious about the mousse issue you had and saw these


temperatures which might help (snagged from the book "Sugar Rush" by Johnny Iuzzini.)

Bittersweet Chocolate Mousse Components:

Heavy cream, beaten stiff and chilled

Beaten eggs with sugar over double boiler to 165 degrees, then beat with mixer until tripled.

Melted chocolate.

For a bittersweet mousse (70%), he says the melted chocolate should be "warm but not hot (113 degrees F) when adding other ingredients. He adds 1/2 C of the whipped cream to the center of the chocolate and stirs it in a circle moving outward. He does this slowly to lower the chocolate temperature and strengthen the emulsification with the whipped eggs. If it looks grainy, add another half cup of heavy cream.

Add the whipped eggs and stir gently until streaky. Then fold in the rest of the whipped cream. Do not over mix.


For milk chocolate mousse, the melted chocolate should be around 104 degrees when adding 1/4 of the whipped cream, then the beaten eggs, then the rest of the whipped cream. This recipe uses gelatin to set rather than extra eggs.

Let me know if you want more specific data. This was just a snapshot to grab the temperature ranges and procedure.

