Hey Eva, what did you end up having for Valentine's Day?!

Hi Dawn, I made love hearts grilled chevre and red beet open sandwiches with a touch of honey.

It's really simple:

You'll need good bread, butter, chevre, sliced and pickled red beets and honey for this.

I buttered the bread, added a thin slice of chevre on top (it can be over powering with too much chevre), then I used a small heart shaped cookie cutter and cut out small hearts from the pickled red beets. I drizzled a tiny bit of honey on top of the cheese and red beets at the end, and grilled the sandwiches in the oven until the cheese was done.

It was wonderful and cute at the same time, and I served them with tea (dinner was out because we both had to work late smileys/frown.gif )

All in all, it was a good evening meal and I'm definitely making this again.

And thanks for asking smileys/smile.gif

goat cheese and beets (and sauvignon blanc) is one of my favorite pairings
