Hey FloriSandy...check out this scam...you're a prime candidate!


Watch out for this scam!!!!!

Police say that the gang usually is comprised of four members, one adult and three younger ones.

While the three younger ones, all appearing sweet and innocent, divert their "mark" (or intended target) with a show of friendliness, the fourth -- the eldest -- sneaks in from behind the person's back to expertly rifle through his or her pocket or purse for any valuables.

Be on the alert!!! See a photo below of a recent attack that was captured on film. This is being called the AFLAC Scam!


Oh dear, you've caught me! My scam has been exposed!!

I was only trying to grub some money for the Beach Bistro. It ain't cheap ya know!

Mastermind of the AFLAC Scam
{{{hanging my beak in shame here}}}
