Here are 5 foods that help you sleep....
Almonds: Almonds contain two calming ingredients: Magnesium–which acts as a muscle relaxer–and tryptophan. Eating a handful of these nuts, which are also packed with protein, before going to bed can help you catch some Z’s.
Turkey Sandwich: Why are we so tired after Thanksgiving dinner? Turkey contains the natural sleep inducing amino acid, Tryptophan. Eating a small turkey sandwich before going to bed can help produce sleep-like effects. The carbohydrates from the bread will stimulate the release of insulin, which will clear the bloodstream of amino acids that compete with tryptophan. This allows more of the natural sleep-inducing amino acid to enter the brain. It is then converted to serotonin and produces that much needed sleepy feeling.
Bananas: An apple a day keeps the doctor away, but a banana after dinner makes you a sleep winner! Bananas contain large amounts of tryptophan, which releases melatonin and serotonin. The release of these chemicals produces a natural sleep remedy.
Warm milk: Your mom probably told you that a small glass of warm milk helps you sleep. It’s true! Milk is a great source of tryptophan, but the real reason this nighttime beverage can help you sleep may be psychological. If mom gave you warm milk when you were a child, it may bring on feelings of relaxation.
Oatmeal: Not just for breakfast anymore, Oats are rich in carbohydrates, which allows tryptophan to enter the brain. Mixing your oatmeal with milk (see above) will give you a double dose of sleepiness.
Berry, Banana and Oatmeal Smoothie
Here’s our great berry, banana and oatmeal smoothie that gets you going in the morning, adds vitamins to your diet, and maintains tryptophan to help you sleep at night:
1 cup berries (strawberries or blueberries are most popular)
1 banana – cut into pieces
1 packet of instant oatmeal
1 cup of low-fat milk
2 cups of ice cubes
Mix all ingredients (except ice cubes) to blender. Blend until smooth, then add ice cubes and blend for about 30 seconds.