Hey! They've found our tribe! :D Too bad the title isn't "The Art of Recipe Clipping"...

Excellent article! I definitely suffer from...

too much recipe clipping and not enough cooking. :eek:/

I cook, I just can't keep up with the flow of recipes. There are 4500 in my Living Cookbook, and

we haven't even started the sides, salads and desserts.

With MC's newer versions making internet capture so much easier

My "not so tried and true" cookbook is up to almost 600. I just started it the middle of last year when I realized how many untried recipes were in my "Family Cookbook". I have no idea how many of the recipes in there are actually t&t. Then there were the stacks and stacks of magazines that I finally told hubby "take 'em to the hospital, someone will want them". I could not watch as they went out the door...

I was really going to be good on this spring cleaning and attempt to weed through my 500 cookbooks. I did, too. I managed to weed out 3. And then promptly purchased 3 more when I took those 3 to the thrift store...

Wonder if Dr Drew offers a program for us?

I agree - and it captures the picture of the dish too --- when I borrow cookbooks from friends

before I photocopy a recipe I search online for it - I'd say about 70% of the time I find someone already posted it somewhere - whether it's a chat site or the author's site. Then I copy to MasterCook.

For my personal bought cookbooks, I bought post it flag tags - they're about 1/2 inch wide and a pack has 4 different colors. I tag a page in my cookbook with recipes I want to try. If I do try it and like it I draw a star on the tag - so that when I scan the top of the book I know which ones I've made and like.

I also have binders of recipes -- goal is one day to get them into MC. (It's been a goal for years!)

And I have many many many years of Bon Appetit, Martha and other mags that I want to copy to MC (first by searching the web so I don't have to type) and then I would donate or post to the barder site. --- that's also been a goal for over a year now. Told myself that it was a "winter project" but it didn't happen.

And then I have a boat-load of recipes in email - that have to be put into MC - again - it's on the list.

I think I need to downsize --- but it's soooooo hard to let go. 'Cause you know the minute you delete one.... you'll need it tomorrow....
