Hi, all! I am new to this type of forum and only stumbled on this


Well-known member
after a Google search for a cookie recipe. It has been interesting piecing together the Gail's-Epi-Mimi adventure!I thought I would share a crab cake recipe that never fails to please.



1 red pepper finely diced

1 yellow pepper finely diced

6 slices firm white bread, crusts removed

1 lb. lump crabmeat

1/4 cup fresh coriander (cilantro) leaves, chopped

1/4 cup mayonnaise

2 TB Old Bay seasoning

1 jalapeno pepper diced

1 TB minced garlic

Salt and pepper to taste


Panko bread crumbs


Saute pepper until soft

Grind bread into crumbs

In bowl stir all ingredients together. Chill 20 minutes.

Make cakes using ice cream scoop. Put Panko on wax paper and press cakes into it. Chill 1 hour or up to 1 day.

Oven - 375F

In skillet saute until golden on one side. Don't flip. Heat in oven 6 minutes. (Sometimes a bit longer)

These are spicy because of the jalapeno, so adjust as you wish. They freeze well.

A note from Pinky...if I can't get pasteurize crab....

then Miller brand canned crab is really excellent. Their lump crab tastes like pasteurized crab. An excellent brand!

NFRC: Question for Mimi...

Is there something that would be done from/to this site that triggers Google to pick up our posts? As a little test, I googled a recipe I posted here (Citrus Quinoa Salad) and found that our site was not within the first 10 or so pages that came up. Just curious about how that works...

Oof. The answer to that is extremely complicated...

You're referring to the practice of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) in which site owners "optimize" their websites for better search engine placement. There is an entire, cutthroat industry built around this and to answer your question adequately I would have to write a book (or refer you to one)!

This forum itself is not the object of an SEO campaign at the moment although that too is on my list of future improvements to address.

You can help your post rank better in Google by doing a few things:

- determing what keyword or key phrase most people looking a recipe like yours would most likely type in, without being too general, or too specific

- place that keyword or key phrase in the subject of the post and scatter it a few times in the text of the post

- link to that post from some other site (such as your own website, blog, or another forum), using the keyword or key phrase in the text of the link.

There is much more to it than that, and most likely you still won't have very good Google results for your post until we address some of the "SEO" issues in this forum, but you'll have a good head start that will help once we do that.

I would love to know what DianeM searched for in order to end up here.

I had wondered what it was that made some sites...

so accessible by Google (or other search engines) while some seemed to slip under their radar. No doubt that being "google-able" is very desireable for site owners, like Finer Kitchens.

Similar to Diane's experience, it was through a google search for a recipe that I found Gail's swap.

Thank you for your explanation, Mimi. If I need to find out more about SEO, I'll just wait for your book to come out ;o)

To everyone and Joanie:I've never used canned crab but I do use the type that is

already shelled and usually found in a plastic container near the fish section of the market, so I think canned would be fine too. By the way, I sometimes add lobster meat along with the crab depending on the occasion (you know, in-laws are coming!). To all else, thanks for the welcome and
by the way, how I found this site was that I Googled a cookie recipe I was looking for. The site that turned up was a "favorite Christmas cookie" thread at Epi forum. I started reading through that forum and came across a link to this one. It really was quite accidental so I don't know that it is an efficient way to get here.

Mimi: Sorry, I just read your post. I specifically searched for an oatmeal chocolate chip cookie

recipe that had been in Cook's Illustrated magazine but was no longer printed at their site. Again, that search lead me to the Christmas cookie thread at Epi, but only that thread, not the entire forum site. I was surprised at that result, since I've never had that type of result from any other recipe search and I've done MANY! In fact, I didn't even know this type of forum existed so for that reason alone, I am happy about the link. But, it makes me wonder how Epi made it happen.

If you are talking about canned crab on the tuna fish

aisle, NO!! Canned refrigerated crab is about all we can get and it is fine. I prefer a lot less bread than the original recipe calls for. For crab cakes, less is more always.

Epi has lots of clout with Google as being an "authoritative site"

so Google will usually rank individual pages well. You have to be around a long time and have lots of really good content to become a Google authoritative site.

So you didn't find FK at Google, you found Epi at Google and that led you here. That's interesting. FK gets most of its traffic from Google but not to the forum, Google traffic comes for individual items carried in the store. Honestly that's more of a priority for us than getting the Swap to rank well. But we'll get to it!

Hi Diane - I just typed in "oatmeal chocolate chip cookie recipe" (without the quotes)...

and nothing close to Finer Kitchens came up. What eactly did you type in, or maybe google kind of randomizes the results, never getting the same results at different times?

I've often wondered about this too.

P.S. I just re-read Mimi's answer to you, and I see you got Epi at the google search which led you here... but I didn't get epi when I googled using your term, either. Oh well.
