Hi all! Not cooking anything innovative but this was simple and good: Potsticker Soup

Looks good. Do you recall which veggies were in the frozen mix? And do you subscribe to the

Allrecpes food magazine? I got suckered in, not sure what I think. They publish the best rated recipes from the site along with some of the comment tips and changes of their own.

I bought TJ's chicken potstickers and their stir fry vegetables.

Pea pods, bean sprouts, bamboo shoots, soybeans, water chestnuts, carrots and mushrooms. I like these because they don't become soggy.

I don't subscribe to the magazine. The only reason I went to the site for the soup is because when I called my 97 year old aunt she was raving about it. That was the last time I spoke with her and I made the soup the day of her funeral.
