Hi everyone...I'm back...reading with an air bubble floating in my eye


It's used to keep the retina in place while it reattaches itself. Basically, I could rent myself out as a spirit level. Happily the doctor stopped the dilation drops so I'm not as nauseated and am getting my depth perception back. A few days ago, I couldn't even find the end of a pastry bag to snip off the tip.

It was a little scary.

So...has anyone every BAKED with ISOMALT? It's Toys for Tots gingerbread house from hell time again (no thanks to you, Mother Nature and your penchant for humidity). I found a moisture saturation chart that showed isomalt WAY DOWN on the moisture level and so I bought a bag to use for the sugar portion of the recipe. REMEMBER: No one eats this thing, so I can do whatever I want. (Case in point: I've been shellacking the red & green spiral mints for the past two days. See HB (Humidity Bi+ch) above).

I was just wondering how this stuff was going to react in the oven.

I also plan to hot glue the gingerbread walls directly to the foam core model this time.

Welcome back M--a nurse friend was just telling us about the air bubble in the eye thing. Is it...

true that you are supposed to keep your eyes pointing downward for awhile?

True. 50% of the time, which was driving me crazy. It's to avoid having pressure

put on the retina at the back of the eye while it heals/reattaches.

I also couldn't sleep on my back or left side (surgery on left eye) because doctor used sutureless attachments and she didn't want pressure pulling on those.

I finally ended up laying on my stomach on my bed with my head hanging over and laying my computer on the floor with the screen flat. That way I could watch old episodes of "The Days and Nights of Molly Dodd" and keep my head in downward position during 50% of the hours I was awake.

I've still got a small bubble there...it's like that little bouncing ball when they used to have you sing along with a song.

I find it fascinating how all technology has improved; remarkable surgery, amazing computers, etc.

Imagine how this surgery was done years ago; Not just the surgery, but also the recovery options. I am so glad you are doing well!

You were on my mind yesterday morning! So happy to see your post today. Nope, I've

never baked or used Isomalt, but everything I read on the Internet says it's great to use in lieu of sugar to combat high humidity situations.

This is the first article I read about cooking & using Isomalt:

Then I ran across the following web site that touts using PRE-COOKED Isomalt==>

You have probably already digested all the info at both of the above sites, but I thought I'd mention them to you in case not.
