Hi Everyone! Suggestions for a meal to cook with someone?


Well-known member
I am used to doing all cooking by myself. A friend and I are making dinner together for the first time. Any suggestions on good dishes that lend themselves to being made in a collaborative fashion?

Thanks in advance.

You too, Meryl!

After much upheaval, life is returning to normal, so I will be around again. How are you?

Does your friend have a specialty? Example, I used to cook w/ my Aunt-in-law; she taught me

how to make quite a few hungarian dishes. She was the lead, and I followed and learned from her guidance.

Are you cooking for just the two of you? If you make a day of it, perhaps make the 5 hour duck and during the breaks make some fun appetizers / sides / dessert?

OR - is there something that you both wanted to learn, and never tried. For me it would be bread. (have tried, just really intimidated) You could both research and go into it with a fun attitude....

Stir-fry veggies can morph into pasta primavera. Need two sharp knives

(or one knife and a good peeler), cutting boards, band-aides and elbow room.
Alcohol at your own risk.

Talking points:
** veggies you both despise
** knife skills (or the lack thereof)
** fostering the team-building spirit needed to create an urban-decay minimalist tribute to Mollie Katzen's "Enchanted Broccoli Forest."

Stir-fry can be served over brown rice, quinoa, basmati, or faro.

Going Italian:
Sauce for pasta primavera:
Reduce 1 pint of heavy cream to half.
Remove from heat and swirl in 2 TBL butter
Sprinkle 1/4 C freshly grated parmesan. Swirl a bit more while dancing to Clooney singing Mambo Italiano.
Fresh ground black pepper
Dash of cayenne.

Could you each choose a favorite recipe you'd like to share with the other? If it's just the two

of you, it doesn't matter if they complement each other. If you're cooking for guests you can coordinate the meal ahead of time.

It could be a mini-class for each of you.

Is it a friend you've known for a long time? Maybe some meal that brings back places you've shared.

Whenever one of my best friends from college comes to town, we set aside an evening to do nothing but eat cheese and drink wine and relive study-abroad life in France while a chicken roasts. But I recommend this only if you feel like going gung-ho down Nostalgia Lane for approximately 6 hours.* smileys/wink.gif

*Not that the chicken roasts that long--that's just how long the whole process takes, start to finish. smileys/wink.gif

Thanks for the great ideas, you all!

We haven't known each other that long - 5 weeks. First time in the kitchen together, but I think it will work out pretty well. He cooks a lot, as do I. Any other suggestions are more than welcome. Will let you know what we make & how it goes!

Andrea, unfortunately, the PM's haven't been working for a long time. I wish I had your email

address or you had mine. I'd been thinking about you for quite awhile, but didn't know how to contact you.

Edited to say: It looks like some new changes have been made recently - maybe the PM's are working again. I sent you a test PM - let me know if you get it!
