Hi Everyone!!!


Enthusiast Member
It's me Marg, formerly of PA, now in NC.

Michael gave me this site when I got in touch with him today with my new e-mai addy.

It's lovely to see so many of the old guard still around,

I moved south in July of '08 and am working at the local university here.

DJ and Jen blessed me with a beautiful grand daughter in August. Selene Marie, She is amazing. She was born with a severe cleft palate but has had her lip and nose fixed, and will have the roof of her mouth done in Feb. However, she is a happy, bright,( rolled over at 17 days old) wonderful baby. They had to move to Oklahoma from here for a year ( the army loves to do that) so for a year I will have to see her on video.

I spent the holiday with Cici back in PA and we had a great time doing girl things. She is doing well and has a nice new guy in her life who is more suited to her that "other one" who thankfully she didn't marry. No man in my life though. I guess I just still feel like Keith was the only one for me and while I know he would not want me to remain alone, I just can't seem to find anyone who compares to him. Anyway, now that I found you all, thanks to Michael, I will visit and share.

take care!


It's great to catch up with you!! Good luck!

If it's any consolation, we never expected my Dad to meet anyone at his age, but at 85, he did, and it's nice that he has companionship. You never know!

Marg, Marg, Marg. So good to see you. My God we have watched DJ and CiCi grow up and it is so good..

to hear about them as adults. Welcome home
Elaine - Tel Aviv......

so very nice to "see" you again marg. enjoy your new digs. a college town offers so much---

interesting people and interesting activities.

Hi Y'all Thanks so much for the warm welcome!!

I forget that so many of you watched my kids grow up,from Cici's prom to DJ flexing his 12 year old non-existant biceps. He still raves about all the goodies he received from you guys during his two tours in Iraq. He was the envy of the FOB.
Janet, I am in Fayetteville about an hour south east of you I believe. VERY different from PA. I'm still not used to the slower life style here and I tend to drive my co-workers a little crazy with my hyper-ness.
Right now I am trying to find recipes for a single person. I was finding that I was eating too much fast type food, or just making some popcorn for dinner rather than cook anything. Most nights I don't get home till 8pm and by then It's way past time to start getting busy in the kitchen, plus after cooking all day, it's not something I embrace when I get home. I need some things that can be made and frozen and I am tired of the same standby's that I have been doing for the last 6 years. Any ideas will be greatly appreciated. Right now I am trying to figure out how to make this amazing chocolate caramel souffle for one. (although I really don't need it. It took me too many years to get into a size 8 and I really shouldn't muck that up.) I got a new stove/oven yesterday ( I got fed up with the old one after it took 6 hours to cook a 10 lb turkey) and now I am actually looking forward to cooking again. So hopefully this dinosaur of a computer that I am using will not crash every time I try to get on line, I will stop in and visit, and share.

It's great to see you marg!

used to be Dawn/SanDiego. I just love it when someone finds the swap again! Congrats on the new grandbaby!
