No need to freak out...
... this problem has been around for a long time, the only difference is that now you (and others) are aware of it. Unless you like to eat raw pork, you will be fine.
over a year ago, I wrote a piece on my blog about it, so if you are interested, take a look at it here
the main problem with antibiotic use in animals that will be used for feeding humans, is that it generates a much higher risk of drug resistance.
I am not even slightly surprised that we find a high proportion of MRSA in pork meat - of course we do! Aren't they using antibiotics to allow animals to be overcrowded and not get sick and die? Of course this will lead to the selection of bugs resistant to those drugs
However, people cook the meat and if they use basic hygiene procedures, no cross contamination will take place and everyone will be "safe' - safe in the immediate future, not in the sense that bacterial resistance to multiple antibiotics will be widespread in nature.
So, the bottom line is, there is no reason to freak out about this particular fact, but do everything in your power to boycott meat that is mass produced, be it chicken, pork, beef... or fish.