Doesn't that just rile you! You "think" you're going to get better results by weighing it, yet
the majority of recipes aren't calibrated for weight. And by better I mean consistent, predictable results. So if you use a generic measurement, say 7 oz for a cup of white sugar, you might be off.
Meryl and I had the dickens of a time coming to terms on the chocolate sauce because my 1-cup dry measurer holds exactly 8 oz of sugar. Hers weighed less and I know that too much sugar was the bane of that recipe.
I've seen the weight for a cup of sugar documented online and in my cookbooks anywhere from 6.5 to 8 oz.
How is that even possible?
I've seen the same silliness for 1 cup of white flour. It's all over the culinary map.
I was actually bummed when I ordered a Cordon Bleu cooking school textbook and it didn't use weights. Or give a table of weights. I found that hard to believe for a textbook.